
Strategic Planning Chair 2022 - 2023 PDG Geoff James, Maryborough
Welcome to the District 9780 Strategic Planning Page!
This page contains access to tips and resources to assist your Rotary club to conduct and prepare strategic plans, "Visioning" or goal-setting events, and Action plans for the coming Rotary year.
Resources will be available by going to the Strategic Plan section in the "Download Documents" section of this District website, and downloading any of the following documents - which are all listed there. Here is the link to the Download documents section. Remember that you will need to be logged into the District Website with your Clubrunner login before you will have access to the downloads:
- 01_Brief Overview of the Planning Process
- 02_Detailed Planning Process for Clubs
- 03_Initial Planning Tasks for the Board
- 04_RI_District_Club Strategic Planning Documents 2019-2023
- 05_RI Presidential Citation 2020-21
- 06_Rotary Club Health Check_Condensed Generic Word Version
- 07_Club Visioning Worksheet 2019-04-25
- 08_MB Rotary Strategic and Action Plans 2020-21 WORKING V02
- 09_Agenda_Minutes Guidelines for Maryborough Rotary_Blank Model
- 09_Agenda_Minutes Guidelines for Maryborough Rotary V09 - Sample and Guidelines
- 10_Club Engagement Survey 2019 PDF Version
- 10_Club Engagement Survey 2019 Docx Version
- 11_Club Planning Calendar_Images from Maryborough Rotary
- 12_Sample Rationale for a Strategic Plan
- 13_Event Planning Grid_MB 2019-06-10
- 14_Rotary Club Health Check_Spreadsheet For Collating
- 15_Checklist for Visioning Session
- 16_Visioning Session Running Sheet
- 17_Visioning Session Powerpoint_2019-05-16
- 18_Objectives and Number of Dots from Visioning Event
- 19_Notes to Chairs Re Draft Set of Objectives
- 20_Rotary Club Health Check Results for Maryborough 2019 Spreadsheet for Organizers
- 20_Rotary Club Health Check Results for Maryborough 2019 PDF Version
- 21_Reflections on the Results of the Club Health Check 2019
- 22_Club Engagement Survey Raw Results 2019
We also have two Vimeo videos which require passwords (also available on YouTube) on Strategic Planning for Rotary Clubs showing how to use these resources. These videos were used at the 2020 D9780 Virtual Assembly.
- The first one deals with producing a quick and easy Strategic Plan. Click one of these links - OR Vimeo: - (Password: 9780assembly)
- The second video deals with conducting a Visioning session and setting up an Action Plan. Click one of these links - OR Vimeo: - (Password: 9780assembly)
Contact me if you require further information on or 0407 684619