Malaria Awareness Day
 Malaria Awareness Day is recognised in Australia each year on April 30th. Malaria is a disease that affects two thirds of the World’s population and here is a list of 10 facts about malaria.
 In 2021 there were 247 million cases of malaria worldwide, an increase of 14 million from 2019. Global deaths from malaria in the last three years were; 2021-619,00, 2020-625,000 & 2019-568,000, 77% of these deaths are children under the age of five years, which means that on average somewhere in the world one child dies of malaria every 2 minutes.
 I am asking District clubs to give consideration to, either holding an event to raise the awareness of malaria or making a donation to Rotarians Against Malaria.
 If any clubs would like more information please feel free to contact me.
Noel Howard