Welcome to the District Governor’s newsletter for May.
This is the month for us as Rotarians to focus on Youth Services
In our District 9780 we have a very hardworking Assistant Governor for Youth services in Sue Williams and in turn there are individual committees which report to Sue including Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), Youth Exchange, Rotaract, etc, etc to name just a few of them.
It is so vital for us to foster youth as they are tomorrow’s leaders and these programs encourage learning and development of each participant which then enables them to contribute to our communities. Youth have so much energy and it is something we should consider tapping into. From my personal experience over the past few years I have learnt so much more about these programs and the interaction with the youths has been so rewarding. Both Rotaract and Interact are areas where we can work with youth and now with the changes at the recent on Legislation in Chicago it is heartening to know that Rotaractors can also be members of Rotary.
District Governor Elect Stephen and his District Trainer PDG Jessie Harman have recently conducted District Training Assembly in Stawell in preparation for Clubs to progress towards the new Rotary year on 1 July. The day went very well and the weather was not too bad either!
Recent travels for me within our District and beyond have been to:
Attending the “Shine on Awards” held at Doncaster – this was for the 5 Victorian Rotary Districts. It was so good to see Liam O’Neill from our District receive the top award of the day. Liam’s mother Ailsa is a member of our Lara Club and he was nominated by the Geelong East Club – well done Liam and Geelong East.
Attending District Assembly in Stawell and facilitating the Youth session with Sue Williams (AG Youth)
Belmont Club to present them with a Rotary Foundation recognition banner for being 3rd in the District during the last Rotary for their contributions to the Foundation
There are several reminders in this newsletter of upcoming events with one being the lunch to be held in Melbourne on Sunday 19 June to farewell our own Ian Riseley and Juliet as they head off to the US where Ian will prepare for his role as RI President 2017-2018. The lunch is a multi District venture for the 5 Victorian Districts and I hope to see you there.
Do not forget your contributions to the Rotary Foundation – it is requested that Clubs and individuals attend to this sooner rather than later as there becomes a massive backlog of paperwork at Parramatta. Peter Simons is our District Foundation Giving Chair and is available to advise you – Peter’s details are in the District Directory.
With 10 other D9780 Rotarians I will be attending the RI Convention in Seoul later this month and am quite excited. I have travelled extensively but South Korea is a new destination for me and I have been reading / learning about it. One option was a day tour to the DMZ (Demilitiarized Zone) which some of us are doing, when in Seoul one must do these things!! It will also be a great opportunity to catch up with some of my DG colleagues who will be attending.
As mentioned at the start of my notes this month is Youth Services month for Rotary so I ask you to focus on Youth. Maybe your Club could host an inbound Youth Exchange Student or sponsor an outgoing one? If not possible this year what about next year?
The first selection process for the next group of outbound students is in Halls Gap this coming weekend and I am looking forward to it and meeting the students. This will be followed by the more formal interviews in Ballarat on the 1st weekend in June when the students will be selected and in turn notified of their intended destination.
Or your Club could consider chartering a Rotaract Club – we only have 4 in our District now as sadly the Hamilton Rotaract Club was short lived.
In the current District Directory there is a complete listing of all the Youth Committees for your information.
As I wrote last month each club in our District is doing amazing work in their local communities and elsewhere – please continue doing this good work. We can make a difference in the lives of those not as fortunate as we are.
Leading this District is an honour.
Remember “Be a Gift to the World”.
District News
District Governor 2018-2019
It gives me much pleasure to advise that it is now official that PP Anthony Ohlsen from the Maryborough Rotary Club is our District Governor Nominee Designate for District 9780.
On 1 July Anthony will assume the role of District Governor Nominee when Ray Herbert then assumes the role of District Governor Elect.
Anthony has been a Rotarian for 21 years and brings with him much Rotary knowledge and experience to the role. He has held many positions within the Maryborough Club and he and his wife Kerrie have participated in 3 Rotary Friendship Exchanges and have also hosted Rotarians and Youth Exchange students from many other countries over the years.
On behalf of all in District 9780 congratulations to Anthony on this appointment.
Welcome Anthony & Kerrie to the ‘Governor’ group.
Jessie to ‘Train the Trainers’ at International Assembly in San Diego
Jessie Harman has been selected as seminar trainer for the upcoming International Assembly to be held in San Diego in January 2017.
Jessie’s role will be to train Rotary senior leaders who have been selected to serve as trainers and facilitators at International Assembly. The training seminar is held in the week leading up to International Assembly, and brings together around 40 senior leaders from around the world. The seminar covers facilitation skills, Rotary knowledge, and cultural awareness, and prepares attendees to lead and facilitate the break-out sessions for Governors-Elect which are a core part of International Assembly.
According to Jessie, the role is a privilege. “I feel incredibly lucky to be able to contribute in a small way to the development of future Governors from Rotary districts all over the world. International Assembly is such an important and inspiring event, and to be able to be part of it by training the trainers is a wonderful opportunity” she said. “It’s especially significant because the incoming Rotary International President will be Australia’s own Ian Riseley” she added.
Jessie’s husband Andrew has also been invited to train the partners of facilitators and trainers at the International Assembly training seminar. These partners will go on to lead the break-out sessions for partners of Governors-Elect at International Assembly.
Jessie and Andrew leave for their assignment on 10 January 2017.
Many Rotarians across Australia and New Zealand commemorated Anzac Day attending Dawn Services or other commemorative events on April 25th or on the days either side of it. District Governor Jane Cox attended the Dawn Service at Torquay, and requested PDG Cathy Roth to lay a wreath on behalf of District 9780 Rotarians at the memorial service held at the Geelong RSL.
Pictured: PDG Cathy Roth and the Anzac Day wreath laid during the Geelong RSL memorial service.
Events and Dates for the Calendar
31 May
Peace Scholar nominations close District deadline - see below for more detail
10 June for 19 June
Book in for the lunch to meet Rotary International President Nominee Ian Riseley & Juliet
31 July to 7 August
DonateLife Week 16 - See DOWNLOADS for more information
Winter is coming... and so is DonateLife Week 2016 (Sunday 31st July - Sunday 7th August).
This year’s campaign will focus on encouraging Australians to register on the Australian Organ Donor
Register (AODR).
Invitation to a farewell lunch for Ian & Juliet Riseley on Sunday 19 June
The 5 Victorian District will be hosting a Multi District lunch on Sunday 19 June at the ‘Whitehorse Club’ in East Burwood (Melbourne) as a farewell for Rotary International President Nominee Ian Riseley & Juliet who will be departing Australia for the US as Ian prepares for his incoming role as RI President in 2017-2018.
It would be great if we could have a good number of D9780 Rotarians in attendance – this is an honour for Australia as Ian will be the fifth Australian to hold the office.
Two course lunch including drinks
COST: $45 per person (Tables of 10 available)
Dress Code: Smart casual. RSVP: Friday 10 June 2016
See Downloads for the pdf invitation.
Australian Rotary Health awards
Professor Eóin Killackey
for his work and research into Knowledge Dissemination in Mental Health
Australian Rotary Health (ARH) sponsors an annual award for knowledge dissemination through the Society for Mental Health research (SMHR). The most recent recipient was Professor Eóin Killackey, who has addressed a major gap in employment and education for young people with mental illness through an intervention called “Individual Placement and Support”. His research team at the Functional Recovery Research Unit, VIC, conducted workshops with Clinicians internationally, producing manuals, webinars, and training, seeking mainstream awareness through media to reduce stigma around mental illness.
Says Professor Killackey, “Since Australian Rotary Health first provided $180,000 for our work, we have secured nearly $3.5M in other competitive funding to continue to develop and test our interventions”..
Professor Killackey also received a Mental Health Research Grant from ARH to investigate “Vocational Recovery in Young People with first episode psychosis: A randomised controlled intervention trial examining vocational, health, economic and social outcomes” from 2008 to 2011 at Orygen/University of Melbourne.
Professor Killackey has also been a Co-Investigator on two more Mental Health Research Grants: “Guidelines for tertiary education institutions on how to support students with mental health problems” as well as research into “Cognitive behavioural treatment for PTSD in young people with first episode psychosis: A randomised controlled trial of an intervention within the Australian service delivery model”
2017 Rotary Peace Fellowship
Dear Rotarian,
We are excited to announce that the 2017 Rotary Peace Fellowship is now available online! We encourage you to promote the fellowship and have your district endorse qualified applicants who are dedicated to promoting peace.
Please go to our website to review the fellowship details, application process, animation video, and find additional resources for applicants and Rotarians.
Important reminders about the peace fellowship:
Districts are not responsible for funding applicants. Your district can endorse as many candidates as deemed qualified at no cost.
31 May 2016 District Deadline
a. Applicants must submit their application to the district by 31 May to seek endorsement.
b. Districts must interview and submit their endorsement forms to The Rotary Foundation by 1 July 2016.
c. Applicants can choose to apply online or with the PDF application. Both can be located on the website.
Linked to this email are extra resources to help recruit applicants, better understand the application process, and conduct interviews for applicants you are interested in endorsing.
We thank you for your dedication and support to the Rotary Peace Centers and the Rotary Peace Fellowship. By working together to recruit and select highly qualified candidates for the 2017 Rotary Peace Fellowship, we continue to build peace and work towards conflict prevention and resolution in our world.
Food Plant Solutions now incorporating Learn Grow, is a registered RAWCS project providing DGR status.
There are several big articles in this edition of the newsletter - See Downloads or go to their website http://foodplantsolutions.org/
Read about Rotary’s great opportunity to end malnutrition now.
Food Plant Solutions has received a Letter of Support from the preeminent leader in our field – Bioversity International.
"Rotary’s Great Opportunity
In 1998, when the Global Polio Eradication Initiative began, polio paralysed approximately 350,000 children per year. Due to the dedicated efforts of Rotary and its partners there has been a decrease of 99% in polio cases.
In 2015, approximately 2,600,000 children under the age of 5 died from malnutrition linked causes.
Like polio, hunger and malnutrition is preventable.
Like polio, Food Plant Solutions needs extensive partnerships.
Like polio, a long-term commitment is needed.
We call on all Rotarians to follow ‘End Polio Now’ with ‘End Malnutrition NOW’"
An excerpt from the eNewsletter for Shelterbox Australia April 2016
"The response from our supporters to events in Fiji has been swift and generous and I wish to thank all those that have donated in recent weeks. Remember, we are 100% donor-funded and your donation is fully tax-deductible.
The State of Emergency declared by the Fijian Government will come to an end on 19th of April but the road to recovery for those affected by Cyclone Winston will be long and hard. Earlier this month Cyclone Zena brough heavy rains to many affected areas, washing away freshly-planted seeds and causing flash flooding. As this emergency phase comes to an end, ShelterBox is looking at other ways we can help those in need. Tents become less appropriate and the provision of shelter repair kits, tarpaulins and other aid can help those affected construct transitional shelters and start rebuilding their lives. Rest assured, with your help, ShelterBox is doing all it can to make sure that no family goes without shelter.
Fiji, like Nepal, relies heavily on tourism for employment and foreign exchange. Your donations enable us to help families in the hour of their need. However, if you're looking at holiday destinations, the people of Fiji and Nepal will benefit greatly if you chose to spend our tourist dollars with them. You can expect a warm welcome if you chose to visit either.
Here's this month's quote: “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” ~ Richard Evans"
The latest newsletter contains links to many projects and ideas for evaluating and setting up sustainable project.
Here are some excerpts:
Start With a Plan
Sustainability is key and should be the core of all Rotary projects. The WASRAG Technical Committee has completed some excellent guidelines on how to develop an overall plan, project outline and evaluation. Visit WASRAG Technical Guides to see this and other useful guidelines for water, sanitation and hygiene.
Lessons from the Field
Former WASRAG Board Member, Carolyn Crowley Meub, shares some valuable experience on implementing and sustaining water, sanitation and hygiene projects.
Recommended for President's Elect, New Rotarians and Club leaders.
RLI is a grassroots, multi district leadership development program whose mission is to strengthen Rotary Clubs through quality leadership education.
Registration Forms and Information brochure available on the RLI website http://rli.rotary9780.org closing July 14, 2016
See DOWNLOADS for this brochure.
Vocational Service Newsletter Summary
Below is a summary of the recent newsletter. Click here to see the full version
Vocational Service offers information and resources to help Rotarians practice vocational service in their work lives and club activities
Get connected and exchange ideas in Korea
Booths, groups and meetings – making the most of your time at the RI convention.
“You’ll have a chance to learn from program experts, explore service opportunities, build new friendships, and connect with prospective project partners.”
Ethical dilemma
If you have an ethical dilemma situation you would like to submit for discussion, email us at rotary.service@rotary.org
Using Club funds for …
A link to the Rotary Service page where ethical dilemmas can be posted and discussed by Rotarians from all over the world.
Rotarians in Ukraine and Brazil partner to treat children with cleft palate
“A partnership was formed between Rotarians in Ukraine and Brazil to train Ukrainian specialists in effective collaborative methods to treat these children, with the Rotary Club of Kyiv Multinational hosting a vocational training team of Brazilian doctors.”
District leaders and club officers can now review inquiries from prospective, referred, and relocating or returning members — all in one place. Sign in to My Rotary and visit the Club and District Administration pages to discover how easy it is to manage your online membership leads and review reports.
The Four-Way Test An ethical guide to use for personal and professional relationships
"It is with great excitement ...
that we reach out to you on behalf of the Rotaract Australia Multi District Information Organisation (MDIO). The purpose of this email is to provide some background on Rotaract Australia and its activities and further bridge the gap between Rotaract & Rotary."
"Why do we do it?
Our initiatives drive engagement for Rotaractors, leading to bigger and better projects and events, along with more Rotaractors, and thus future Rotarians, across the country. We know that the support we give, information we provide, and events we coordinate improve collaboration between clubs and districts, and give Rotaractors the opportunity to network, build relationships and friendships. This leads to a greater positive impact in the community and our members, an increase in membership and clubs, and ultimately, strengthens the Rotary family."
Above are some quotes from the latest "Connecting Rotaract with Australia" newsletter. Click here to see more.
Science and Engineering Challenge - May 2016
This challenge provides young people the opportunity to think outside the box and problem solve, a chance to experience frustration and success whilst having fun.
Excerpts from the report:
Geelong 28th & 29th April (completed)
15 schools and over 400 Y10 students participated over the two day event that was very successful and met Rotary Objectives under the Youth & Vocational Avenues of Service.
The activities included:
Bridge Building - tested to destruction to the pleasure of all
Hover Frenzy - they made working, steerable hovercraft
Mission to Mars - creating a lander to navigate the rough terrain
Helter Skelter Shelter - to withstand earthquakes
Each activity required students to work in teams to plan and solve engineering and science tasks to score points which were totalled for each day.
Rotary volunteers from RC of Geelong East (15) and RC of Grovedale (3) assisted over the two days as well as one from a sponsor.
Sponsorship from the RC’s of Geelong East, Grovedale, Belmont and Drysdale along with corporate sponsors and Deakin University provided the funds to cover the costs.
This event also provided PR opportunities for Rotary with Deakin, sponsors and also engaged with two ex-Rotarians.
Other events in the District yet to be completed are:
Warrnambool 21st June
Mt Gambier 23rd June
Ballarat Cancelled due to lack of funds
Tony Alsop
Chair - Science & Engineering Challenge
Rotary District 9780,
Bridges ready for destruction
The moment of truth
Built with available supplies to cross the surface of Mars
Limited supplies, challenges and tested to destruction
A great day for all
Made possible by volunteers including Tony Alsop
Rotaract News
News from Warracknabeal
Rotaract Club of Warracknabeal.
The Warracknabeal Rotaract Club formed late last year after a small group, that had attended RYLA, decided they wanted to do something positive within the Community. Since then the club has been up and down with their membership and currently sits at 11 members. The group is very motivated and keen to assist Rotary with projects and recently coordinated their own separate project by themselves. They have assisted their sponsoring Rotary Club with School Breakfasts, Gala Night, Australia Day, Easter Parade and YFest, joint Service Club project and Horsham East’s Art Fair night. Their first independent project was “Relay for Life” where they raised over $1000 for the cause. Four members of the Club also attended RYLA this year which has boosted the motivation more in the club. They have just recently inducted a new member and are currently organising Rotaract shirts to wear at events to promote their existence in the Community. This club is an asset to the town and the Rotary Club of Warracknabeal is proud to be their sponsor. Rotary clubs around the District should strive to initiate Rotaract Clubs in their areas as these members will hopefully be Rotary members in the future. (see photos below)
Rotaractors Support Warrnambool Hospital
The Warrnambool Base Hospital is the latest beneficiary from the hard working Warrnambool Rotaract Club, after they received a $500 cheque from the Rotaractors to support a new therapy dog for the Children's Ward. This funding will go a long way towards putting smiles on faces of patients and making the hospital experience more positive for local children.
Pictured above Rotaract Club of Warrnambool members George and Lizzi after handing over a cheque to the Warrnambool Base Hospital
Meanwhile the Yarriamback Shire Council have recently recognised the stellar efforts of our Warracknabeal Rotaract Club by presenting them with the 2016 Community Group Achiever Award. This is a great recognition for the club's achievements in the past six months, well done from your fellow Rotaractors. In other recent news from the North West a new member Sean Williams was inducted to the club and Rotaractors competed in an amazing race against their local Rotarians over the ANZAC Day long weekend. Great fun and fellowship were had in a casual setting and the Rotarians emerged victorious!
Warracknabeal Rotaract Club
Arts Fair
RYLA Presentation Night
In other district news a handful of Rotaract members have returned from this years RYLA camp full of positivity with lots of tools, strategies and a new support network to help them achieve success in their lives. As a Rotaract District we would like to thank Rotary and the camp leaders for their efforts towards RYLA, it is a program which provides great exposure and strength to our movement.
To finish this months column I will provide a comment on the change voted upon by council of legislation to allow individuals a dual Rotary/Rotaract membership. This appears to be a momentous decision in enabling the organisations to become true partners in service and to strengthen the relationship we have. I hope it works to bridge the gap between the organisations and improve the transition rate from Rotaract to Rotary, which is currently below 5% in Australia. I think the organisations should remain distinct for a number of reasons, but let's see if we can adopt the change to strengthen Rotary and Rotaract for the future. It would be a shame if this change just becomes as a way of Rotaract bringing in a few extra dollars or for Rotary to get a few more hands at a BBQ. It is positive to see some Rotary and Rotaract Clubs already embracing this change in a progressive way.
Brendan Holland
Rotaract District 9780 Secretary
District Rotaract Representative Training 2016
District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Training in Canberra was an immensely valuable experience. Representatives from all over the country were in attendance and it was such a fantastic and diverse group of people. The incoming DRRs, some of whom has already served for one or more years, all had years of experience with Rotaract and Rotary and were willing to share their insights with everyone else.
The training started off with Friday night drinks and networking. We explored a bit of Canberra and got to know each other. Some Rotaractors from the Canberra club attended and I was struck by how different two Rotaract Clubs can be. There is amazing diversity within our organisation and I don’t think we appreciate that enough.
On Saturday and Sunday we had formal training sessions. The training was conducted by the current chairman of Rotaract Australia (Jake Weragoda), the Vice Chair/Incoming Chair (Travis Holland) and the Incoming Vice Chair (Bec Weragoda), in addition to the PDG of the Canberra District, Rowley Tompsett. All of them had an obvious wealth of experience within Rotary and Rotaract and were more than willing to share their experience both in the training sessions and one-on-one during breaks.
Sessions were on the role of the DRR, which has a lot more scope than I had anticipated. We covered governance, legal issues (including incorporation and insurance), managing conflict, grant applications and the Rotary-Rotaract relationship. These sessions gave me so many ideas to bring back to the district and to my own club.
My special goal for the year is to improve the relationship between Rotary and Rotaract in the district. There is an astonishingly low rate of Rotaractors becoming Rotarians when they reach thirty years of age, and I would like to change that. I aim to speak with Rotaractors and Rotarians alike about how to improve this rate and how to work together more. To that end I also aim to introduce Rotaractors within the district to the wider world of Rotaract. I want every Rotaractor to attend the Australian Rotaract Conference (held in Brisbane this October) and be inspired. For inspiration and retention to happen there needs to be more communication in every direction, and the first step is venturing outside our own clubs.
I have spoken with District Rotaract Chair Cheryl Bellman and hope to receive some funding from the Rotary District in the incoming year. If this funding is provided it will go towards building relationships between clubs within the district and encouraging (through subsidisation) every member to attend the Conference in October.
Geelong Central Public Speaking Contest 2015 and 2016
In August 2015 the Youth committee at Geelong Central considered holding a public speaking contest for Grade 5 Primary Students. We decided to invite three schools in the region and dependant on its success would consider expanding the competition in 2016.
The three schools selected are:
Geelong South Primary
East Geelong Primary
Tate Street Primary
The competition involved one team from each school comprising 3 members.
They each had to speak for 4 minutes on the past present and future of the area where the school is located.
They will then have a further 4 minutes to talk on their own topic. Three judges awarded points from 1 to 5 in the areas of:
The school with the most accumulated points won $1000 for the school and a trophy. Every team member received a voucher to the value of $25 with the one student with the most points receiving a voucher to the value of $50 and a trophy.
The competition was a huge success, word got out and we were contacted by three other schools wishing to compete. Teachers remarked, “This experience will stay with them for the rest of their lives”.
As a result we decided to launch the 2016 contest making it available to other schools in the Geelong region. This year we have 17 schools competing. Competition within the school is fierce, with students competing to represent their school. This is an exciting and rewarding project in many ways. Every student will receive a certificate of involvement which will carry the Geelong Central Rotary theme and the 4 way test and signed by the Club President.
Each student in the final will also receive a framed finalist certificate, again with the 4 way test etc.
We are now planning for 2017 where we expect many more schools in our region to compete. Should any other club consider running the competition we are more than happy to share our documentation and assist in any way.
Martin Stow
Youth Director Geelong Central 2016/17
The Eastern Hub - A Community Project in Geelong
Located on the corner of McKillop and Humble Streets, East Geelong, the magnificent new Eastern Hub Community Centre will serve the people of the Geelong community with its state of the art facilities.
The building contains a range of unique features. These include 7 day a week café, art room, training kitchen, computer labs, event spaces, gallery and function rooms for private and corporate meetings from four people to over 100. Karingal has a working area for clients and there is club house for those with Acquired Brain Injury.
Features of the outside include a community garden, community shed, native garden play space and is large enough for functions.
An invitation to the best ball you will ever NOT attend
It will NOT be held on the 25th June 2016. There will NOT be any entertainment at the event ... BUT you are invited to participate.
The Rotary Club of Geelong East is raising funds for the further development of the courtyard. The Winter Ball invitation from the DOWNLOADS is your invitation to support this great activity.
You will need to use the following url to link to the site to take part.
Past President Cameron Whyte always meant to get his hair cut but something always got in the way so it grew and grew until he began to look like a biblical character. Then the moment struck when a fellow Rotarian and a work colleague were both diagnosed with rare types of Cancer.
With Rotary in the blood the idea immediately to raise funds to help. So he addressed the Group 7 and Ararat Club meetings to garner assistance. Both Ararat and Beaufort Clubs came forward with some help and a plan came into place. Together with his work colleague Sally they raised nearly $4000 to send to help research into rare Cancers. The money raised from the BIG SHAVE has been sent Australian Cancer Research Foundation and Garvan Research Foundation.
This goes to show that some things are meant to be in their own time.
Combating Cancer in Sri Lanka - Rotary Grant
Rotary "Giving & Grants" features an article where the Rotary Clubs of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka, and Birmingham, West Midlands, England, worked together to upgrade a cancer prevention center in Sri Lanka.
Use the link here to read more about accessing Foundation help through District and Global Grants to really make a difference.
Preserve Planet Earth - PPE
Who doesn't recycle? Involve Schools and Youth
Junior Chef
Rotary Junior Community Award
PPE Activity around the District has been quiet over recent years so now is the time to revisit this important RI program. It is worth looking back at its origin.
It all started by a decision of the Board of Directors of RI at its meeting in November 1990
The Board determined to establish a Preserve Planet Earth program as follows:-
The Purpose of the Preserve Plane Earth Pilot program is to focus the attention of all of Rotary-the individual Rotarian, Rotary clubs, Rotary Districts and Rotary International- on the worldwide critical need to preserve planet earth, its soil, water, atmosphere and other natural resources for the balanced benefit of present and future generations of its inhabitants.
Preserve Planet Earth goals for 1990-91
Motivate Rotarians-and through them others – to practice environmentally sound lifestyles.
Increase the number and diversity of environmental service projects carried out by clubs and districts and encourage inter-club cooperation in preserving planet Earth.
Incorporate environmental components in all Rotary service projects to ensure that these projects conform with the purpose of the Preserve Planet Earth program.
Develop a worldwide image of Rotary clubs and Rotarians as environmentally concerned organizations and persons dedicated to preserving planet earth.
Promote greater awareness among all Rotarians of the critical environmental issues affecting their communities, countries and the world.
Rotary clubs around the world are encouraged to observe Earth Day in April each Year (the successor to Ecology Day), such day to include activities and projects appropriate to the locality and region.
All future Rotary publications to be produced on recycled paper when feasible.
The Board encourages clubs to conduct or sponsor environmental awareness workshops to identify ecological concerns and problems regarding flora, fauna, air pollution and water resources that exist in the communities that the clubs serve, and requests those clubs to send copies of successful programs to the General Secretary for potential emulation by other clubs.
After conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the pilot program in 1993, the RI Board concluded that the effort had met or made progress towards all its objectives, over the course of the three-year pilot period. The Board therefore decided to adopt Preserve Planet Earth as an official program of Rotary International.
The Board of RI revisited this program at its meeting in December 2011.
8.040.5. Preserve Planet Earth
Preserve Planet Earth encourages Rotary clubs to promote awareness among Rotarians and increase the number of environmental service projects. These activities are part the third avenue of service, Community Service. (January 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 146)
It has never been timelier to reinvigorate this important RI program in District 9780, given the signing on Earth day, 22 April 2016, by 195 countries of the United Nations Paris agreement, to take action to keep world atmospheric temperature rise to no more than 2 degrees Celsius on pre industrial levels. Currently the increase has reached 1 degree Celsius.
It is worth looking the PPE programs being run in other Districts here and overseas. The Queensland Districts 9600, 9630 and 9640 good Australian examples.
It is hoped that Rotary Clubs in D9780 will rise to the challenge in 2016-17.
Eeon Macaulay- Chair D9780 PPE Committee 2016-17
To be part of this committee, contact Eeon. Meetings will be held by Skype (to reduce the carbon footprint.) Help with this will be available.
See DOWNLOADS for the flyer.
Club Events
Save the date:
See Downloads for flyer
Please join us for our 3rd , World’s Greatest Meal at ROTARY CLUB OF KERANG CLUBROOMS,
12 NOON – SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2016
June 3 - Waurn Ponds
See Downloads for information regarding the Bushikori Movie Night. Not only do you get a fantastic movie you also support a charity we have had a long association with.
For tickets please contact John Watts on 0407 468 594 (RC Kardinia)
Extract Review From the Hollywood Reporter on the Movie "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"
"A hard-to-handle foster kid from the big city and a grouchy bushman in his sixties are forced to forge an unlikely alliance to survive in the New Zealand wilderness. Includes moments of action, countless moments of humor (a highlight is their stay with the off-the-grid-living Psycho Sam, played by Rhys Darby) and also touching moments of drama. What makes Wilderpeople memorable is how attached audiences become to the characters, and as played by Dennison and Neill, they are two fully realized, full of flaws but nonetheless oh-so loveable human beings. A deliciously good time at the movies."
Conference until Changeover - Interplast Raffle
See Downloads for flyer
The District 9780 Interplast raffle this year is for two equal prizes of a $3,500 travel voucher. There are only 1500 tickets @ $10 each. This has to be the best value for money for any raffle, Rotary or otherwise. The raffle will be launched at the District Conference on Friday the 18th of March, and drawn at the District Changeover on Sunday June the 26th.
Interplast D9780 Committee members will be contacting all clubs offering an Interplast speaker and seeking opportunities to sell these raffle tickets.