It is with great pleasure that I can advise that Interplast has confirmed the winner of this year’s District 9780 Rotarian Interplast Observer award as Rtn Barbara Pipkorn, from the Rotary Club of Ballarat South. The competition was such that it has taken some time for Interplast to adjudicate the winner. Congratulations Barbara!

At this stage, the committee has not identified the actual program she will be attending but hopes to do so in the coming weeks.

Interplast also wanted to thank District 9780 for our willingness to utilise the funds our Districts raised, for a plastic surgical training workshop to be held for Pacific Islands surgeons at the University of Tasmania in November 2017.

This workshop is an important part of Interplast's approach to building plastic and reconstructive skills in the Pacific Island and is a more advanced workshop utilising the School of Medicine's state-of-the-art medical training facilities.  Fourteen surgeons from across the Pacific Islands will participate in the program supported by a faculty of a minimum of five highly experienced Interplast volunteer surgeons.

Interplast was also grateful that the funds raised by District’s Interplast Committee would be used to cover the placement of two anaesthetic registrars from Surabaya in October 2017. More of that later. They offered to keep us informed of the progress of these programs, and provide a detailed report on conclusion of the program
Interplast also asked me to convey their sincere thanks to our District for the wonderful support for Interplast over so many years – District 9780’s support has changed the futures of many across the Asia Pacific region. 

John Oswald

Chairman Interplast Committee Rotary District 9780